Why do you need Value Engineering? By examining the project requirements, Value
Engineering helps to insure that your project will be completed at the lowest possible
cost and shortest amount of time, while still retaining the quality and functionality
you expect. If you lower the cost of the project, you raise the value.
All though Value Engineering is normally applied to save money; it could also aid in risk management by identify flaws in the design which could result in late changes; changes that cause a project to going over budget and force delays in completion or functionality issues.
Value Engineering can be applied at any phase of a project, but the earlier it is applied the more opportunities there are for savings or problem identification. Design time is the best time for Value Engineering. At Design time, analysis of the project can insure that the design provides the needed functions, improves the value and quality of the project and reduces the time to completion.
Statistics from the Federal Highway Administration show that in 2011 Value Engineering resulted in an 80 to 1 return on investment.(1)
If you choose us as your contractor, the cost associated with the Value Engineering will be deducted from your contract.